This site is dedicated to learning about the age old question –
If you haven’t already, complete the survey
to do your part in helping us get closer to the answer.
Who we are
We are an organization dedicated to defining what a man is. To do this, we are conducting a study with input from men and women of every color, creed, religion and sexual orientation from across the United States. We hope to develop a collective view of how current American society defines manhood and what society expects of today’s man.
Since the beginning of time, society has formed ideas and beliefs that define manhood. However, there are no indicative traits, skills, attributes or other identifiers that establish what exactly defines a man.
We created to start a conversation about manhood and how to define it today. We want to understand if some standards still ring true or if they have been replaced with new beliefs. We want to hear from you and hope that you are willing to lend your voice to help shape the conversation.
Let’s work together to find the answers to this challenge. Please help us by participating in a brief survey simply based upon your own personal beliefs.
Survey Started
The demographics of the survey are complete. Its now time to start polling for specific questions to drive deep into what We need from Men.
Getting started
Thank you for visiting our site. I will give updates on the progression of the our movement , and up coming dates on new features right here. Please check back for updates!
Contact Us
Hi There,
We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.